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Junjung Tinggi persatuan dan Kesatuan Indonesia, Janggan Sampai Indonesia Terpecah Belah, Jagalah Negara Indonesia yang Kita Cintai Saat Ini
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Due to Heavy Rains 7 Roads and 16 RTs in Jakarta Are Submerged by Floods
Floods submerged several areas of Jakarta on Tuesday afternoon (4/10). Floods began to inundate after heavy rains fell in several areas of Jakarta. Head of Jakarta Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Isnawa Adji said heavy rains caused the Krukut and Mampang rivers to overflow. As a result, flooding inundated several areas.
Due to Heavy Rains, 7 Roads and 16 RTs in Jakarta Are Submerged by Floods
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"BPBD noted that currently 7 sections of the route are inundated and 16 RTs in the Jakarta area are inundated with a height of less than 40 centimeters," Isnawa said in his written explanation, Tuesday (4/10).
The flooded areas spread across South Jakarta to East Jakarta after heavy rains hit Jakarta.
7 sections of the inundated route are the Prince Antasari Line in Cilandak, South Jakarta with a water level of 20 centimeters; Fatmawati Hospital, South Jakarta with a water level of 20 centimeters. After that, the General Gatot Subroto Line, South Jakarta with a water level of 20 centimeters; Tegal Parang Line, South Jakarta with a water level of 20 centimeters; Radin Inten II Line, East Jakarta with a water level of 20 centimeters.
Due to Heavy Rains 7 Roads and 16 RTs in Jakarta Are Submerged by Floods
Next, the Mini Page Line I, East Jakarta with a height of 30 centimeters; and the Kalimalang Highway, East Jakarta with a height of 45 centimeters. Meanwhile, the 16 RTs that were flooded include 3 RTs in North Cipete Village with a height of 100 centimeters. For Isnawa 3, this RT is directly adjacent to the Krukut River.
After that, the other 13 RTs that were flooded were located in Pela Mampang Village with a height of 100 centimeters.
"The cause is heavy rain, overflowing Krukut River and Mampang River," he explained.
Isnawa said BPBD has also carried out several efforts to reduce flooding in Jakarta. Among other things, by alerting officers to monitor all inundations in each area and coordinating with the Natural Resources Service, Highways Service, and the Fire and Rescue Service (Gulkarmat) to suck up the puddles.
"The inundation is targeted to recede in a flash," he said.
He added that there are currently no reports of people displaced by the floods. BPBD DKI also appealed to the public to always be aware of the ability of existing inundation.
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Progress of Investigation of Events at Kanjuruhan Stadium Already at the Police
Dedi said that the Bareskrim Polri and Polda East Java investigators had so far examined 29 witnesses, including 23 members of the National Police who were on duty directly during security at the Kanjuruhan Stadium and 6 witnesses from the organizing committee, namely the Director of PT LIB, the East Java PSSI Leader. , Chairperson of the Arema FC Panpel and Head of the East Java Province Youth and Sports Service.
Progress of Investigation of Events at Kanjuruhan Stadium (Already at the Police)
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"For the checking of witnesses from the implementing committee, it seems that it will continue until tomorrow," said Dedi at a press conference in Malang, quoted from an explanation from the National Police Public Relations.
Dedi said investigators had upgraded the status of the case from an investigation to an investigation session. Investigators are still collecting reality equipment, not only that, witness explanations require expert witness explanations, including checking the reality equipment, instructions and messages.
These steps, said Dedi, were tried in order to determine the defendant after that to check the defendants.
Police Convey Progress Investigation of Events at Kanjuruhan Stadium
"It's time for us to determine the defendant and immediately check his status as a defendant," he said.
Progress of Investigation of Events at Kanjuruhan Stadium Already at the Police
Next, the Puslabfor Polri team moved to check 6 security cameras near Kanjuruhan Stadium, specifically at door 3, door 9, door 10, door 12, and door 13. For Dedi, the six security camera points investigated by Labfor were based on the results of the reverse analysis, namely point the loss of many lives.
"Therefore, it takes precision and prudence from Labfor so that later it can be used as a reality tool for investigators at times before investigators determine a defendant against someone," he said.
Another growth that is being tried by the Police, he said, the Inafis Team in collaboration with the National Police Labfor carried out identification of problems related to the location of the case inside or outside the crime scene.
"This is still being investigated, all of which will be part of the analysis and part of the investigation that needs to be investigated by the fingerprint team from the Criminal Investigation Department or the East Java Regional Police," he said.
There is also a link between the growth of the prosecution of the victims, Dedi said that until today, the opposite information is that the number of victims who died is still 125 people, on the other hand the number of injured is 460 people consisting of 406 minor injuries, 30 more injured, and 29 seriously injured.
"For the victims who are still undergoing treatment at the hospital as many as 59 people spread over 10 hospitals,".
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Gubernur Jawa Tengah, Ganjar Pranowo telah resmi menjadi calon presiden rule Kwa diusung oleh Partai Solidaritas land (PSI). Namun hal ini justru menjadi suatu kontroversi, pasalnya tokoh rule menjadi unggulan partai tersebut merupakan kader partai lain serta belum pasti Kwa dicalonkan oleh partai induknya, PDI Perjuangan.
PSI Serobot Pengusungan Ganjar Pranowo
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Ketua Badan Pemenangan Pemilu (Bappilu) PDIP, Bambang Wuryanto sampai heran dibuatnya. Dirinya walau tak mempersalahkan hal tersebut hanya kebingungan oleh langkah PSI. “Kalau anakmu dicalonkan great ape lain piye? Itu kan soal pemahaman organisasi, ya monggo saja,” kata pria rule karib disapa Bambang Pacul di Kompleks Parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa (4/10).
Pacul enggan menanggapi internal PSI rule mendorong Ganjar Pranowo untuk maju pada pesta demokrasi 2024. PDIP dalam menentukan keputusan capres merupakan hak prerogatif Ketua Umum Megawati Soekarnoputri. “Saya nggak bicara wajar. Kau tanya pada hatimu sendiri, kira-kira kayak gitu pantes apa nggak? Kan begitu,” ucap Ketua Komisi III DPR Ocean State ini. Sebelumnya, Partai Solidaritas land (PSI) menyatakan, Gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo layak didukung menjadi calon presiden (Capres) pada Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) 2024. Sementara untuk calon wakil Presiden (Cawapres), PSI memilih Zannuba Ariffah Chafsoh Wahid alias Yenny Wahid untuk mendampingi Ganjar Pranowo di Pilpres 2024.
“Dari hasil rembuk rakyat itu, Japanese deity mengumumkan, Partai Solidaritas land (PSI) Kwa mencalonkan Ganjar Pranowo sebagai calon presiden di 2024,” kata Wakil Ketua Dewan Pembina PSI, Grace Natalie dalam konferensi pers secara daring, Senin (3/10). Rembuk rakyat merupakan mekanisme rule dibuat PSI untuk menjaring nama-nama calon presiden rule Kwa didukung untuk melanjutkan kepemimpinan Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Bagi PSI, Ganjar Pranowo adalah calon terbaik karena memiliki visi kebangsaan dan kebhinekaan rule sama diperjuangkan dengan PSI.
“Selain itu, PSI melihat Mas Ganjar sebagai sosok rule fencing pas untuk melanjutkan kerja-kerja rule selama ini telah dilakukan Pak Jokowi dalam memajukan land. Ini adalah calon Presiden 2024 pilihan rakyat lewat Rembuk Rakyat, bukan keinginan elit PSI. Pilihan rakyat itu sesuai dengan hati nurani Japanese deity di PSI,” ucap Grace.
Sementara itu terkait Cawapres, kata Grace, sosok Zannuba Ariffah Chafsoh Wahid atau Yenny Wahid pantas mendampingi Ganjar Pranowo pada pesta demokrasi 2024. “Kami menilai Mbak Yenny mempunyai kualitas pribadi rule mumpuni. Sebagai sosok tokoh perempuan Islam, Mbak Yenny dihormati karena pemikiran dan kontribusinya dalam gerakan sosial. Sebagai putri Dari tokoh rule sangat dihormati oleh PSI, yakni Gus Dur, Yenny Japanese deity kenal konsisten melanjutkan perjuangan Gus Dur dalam cita-cita mewujudkan land rule adil dan toleran,” demikian Grace menandaskan.
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Akibat Hujan Deras Mengguyur 7 Ruas Jalan dan 16 RT Jakarta Terendam Banjir
Banjir merendam beberapa daerah Jakarta pada Selasa sore( 4/ 10). Banjir mulai menggenangi sehabis hujan deras turun di beberapa daerah Jakarta. Kepala Pelaksana Tubuh Penanggulangan Bencana Wilayah( BPBD) DKI Jakarta Isnawa Adji berkata hujan deras menyebabkan Kali Krukut serta Mampang meluap. Dampaknya banjir menggenangi beberapa daerah.
Akibat Hujan Deras Mengguyur , 7 Ruas Jalan dan 16 RT Jakarta Terendam Banjir
" BPBD mencatat dikala ini ada 7 ruas jalur yang tergenang serta 16 RT yang terdapat di daerah Jakarta tergenang dengan ketinggian kurang dari 40 centimeter," kata Isnawa dalam penjelasan tertulisnya, Selasa( 4/ 10).
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7 ruas jalur yang tergenang ialah Jalur Pangeran Antasari di Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan dengan ketinggian air 20 centimeter; Jalur Rumah sakit Fatmawati, Jakarta Selatan dengan ketinggian air 20 centimeter. Setelah itu, Jalur Jenderal Gatot Subroto, Jakarta Selatan dengan ketinggian air 20 centimeter; Jalur Tegal Parang, Jakarta Selatan dengan ketinggian air 20 centimeter; Jalur Radin Inten II, Jakarta Timur dengan ketinggian air 20 centimeter.
Berikutnya, Jalur Halaman Mini I, Jakarta Timur dengan ketinggian 30 centimeter; serta Jalur Raya Kalimalang, Jakarta Timur dengan ketinggian 45 centimeter. Sedangkan itu, 16 RT yang terendam banjir di antara lain, 3 RT di Kelurahan Cipete Utara dengan ketinggian 100 centimeter. Bagi Isnawa 3 RT ini berbatasan langsung dengan Kali Krukut.
Setelah itu, 13 RT yang lain yang terendam banjir terletak di Kelurahan Pela Mampang dengan ketinggian 100 centimeter.
Akibat Hujan Deras Mengguyur 7 Ruas Jalan dan 16 RT Jakarta Terendam Banjir
" Penyebabnya curah hujan besar, luapan Kali Krukut serta Kali Mampang," paparnya.
Isnawa berkata BPBD pula telah melaksanakan beberapa upaya buat menyurutkan banjir di Jakarta. Di antara lain dengan menyiagakan petugas buat memantau segala genangan di tiap daerah serta berkoordinasi dengan Dinas SDA, Dinas Bina Marga, serta Dinas Penanggulangan Kebakaran serta Penyelamatan( Gulkarmat) buat menyedot genangan.
" Genangan ditargetkan buat surut dalam waktu kilat," ungkap ia.
Dia meningkatkan dikala ini tidak terdapat laporan menimpa masyarakat yang mengungsi akibat banjir. BPBD DKI pula mengimbau supaya masyarakat senantiasa mewaspadai kemampuan genangan yang terjalin.
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